This is Us!


Eco Prayer for Our Common Home

Longley Lane Trip

On Tuesday 1st November Mrs Campbell and Mr Dakin took the eco warriors on a school trip to Longley Lane Recycling Centre in Sharston, Greater Manchester.

They had a fabulous time learning about the importance of putting the correct types of waste in to the correct bins we have at home. The children had opportunity to look at the properties of certain materials before we went to the Mixed Recycling Facility (MRF) to see how the different waste materials were separated, sorted and collected to be recycled. Protective equipment had to be worn and it was a very noise place! They were able to see the amount of non-recyclable waste that people put in their bins and the children are now determined to tell all the students and staff at St Mary’s how to recycle properly. Watch this space for their upcoming video about the trip and for some tips on how to recycle sensibly.