I am very proud to welcome you to St Mary’s. We are all very proud of our school and all we do. Our children love learning and strive to do their very best. The children surprise me every day with their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn new things and make progress.
As a Catholic school our values are rooted in the teachings of Jesus and we work hard to foster these values in the children we teach.
At St Mary’s we hold a variety of awards such as Silver science award, Race Equality Mark, Basic Skills Quality Mark, Healthy Schools Status, Gold Arts mark and the Platinum Physical Education Mark. We have also, this last year, won the Silver ECO award and are currently being assessed for the green flag award.
These awards recognise the hard work and dedication of St Mary’s staff in promoting a Catholic community where everyone is valued and encouraged to grow into well-educated, caring and confident members of society. We pride ourselves on being a real ‘family’ where everybody knows, loves and looks after each other in our secure, safe and happy school.
As well as giving our pupils a firm grounding in the Catholic faith, we ensure that we deliver a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which challenges every child, from the most able to those with special needs.
At St Mary’s, we are proud of our academic achievements, our friendly purposeful atmosphere and the outstanding extra curricular provision made available to our pupils.
We expect the highest standards from our pupils in all aspects of school life – in their attitudes to learning and in their behaviour.
We try to encourage at all times an active partnership with parents, pupils, governors and parish to help ensure the best possible education for each one of our pupils.
We hope that you enjoy looking around our website – although this is only a tiny glimpse of how very special St Mary’s is.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. We are always delighted and proud to welcome visitors to St Mary’s and would be more than happy for you to visit and see for yourself what an lovely and vibrant school we have!