Year Six: Manchester Arts Initiative
Over the past twenty years, St Mary’s has been involved in the Manchester Arts Initiative. Our Year Six children learn a play by Shakespeare during the Summer term and use their singing, dancing and acting skills to perform their play at a venue in Manchester. In the past, this has been the Victoria Baths and more recently, this has been the Coop Academy in Blackley.
Year Four: Linking Project with Smithy Bridge (M6 Theatre)
Our Year Four children participate in the Linking Project with Smithy Bridge Primary School each year. They visit each other’s schools, have zoom lessons together and go to M6 Theatre in Rochdale to watch a performance, discussing what they see and taking part in a theatre workshop.
ALTRU Theatre – Safter Internet Performance
All the children at St Mary’s get to experience a live performance each year about staying safe on the internet. This links in well with our work in the curriculum about staying safe online.
Emma Carroll at Madeline Lindley

Grandad Wheels – author visit
Grandad Wheels visited our school and talked to the children about his disability and what life is like for him as a famous children’s author. Each child then had the chance to ask questions and design a new chair for Grandad Wheels for his new book.

Cath Howe – author visit
Children’s author Cath Howe visited our school to speak to KS2 about what life as an author is like. She also did some work with Year Six.