Our Philosophy
We believe that every child has the right to succeed in mathematics and believe in themselves as a mathematician. As a staff, we go the extra mile to ensure that learning experiences are tailored to the individual. Children are given sufficient time, appropriate resources (models and images), and opportunities to learn new concepts at their own pace. Some children may need more time to fully embed new learning and consolidate skills. Once they have mastered this, they will be challenged to apply their new learning in a range of contexts.
Sense of number at St Mary’s
Maths is all about making connections, recognising patterns and developing number sense. For example, if I know 7 x 8 =56 then I also know 70 x 8 = 560 and that 560 ÷ 8 = 70. In class, we encourage children to say what they see and discuss patterns so that they have a sense of number for solving problems.
How we Teach Maths at St Mary’s
At St Mary’s, we follow the White Rose Hub sequence of teaching fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills and increasingly allow the children to apply their new learning in a range of contexts.
We also use theconcrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach to teaching maths, which helps children to build it, physically manipulate it, draw it and eventually visualize it without the need for equipment. In simple terms, it is like learning to ride a bike: first the stabilisers are required (concrete); then the stabilisers are removed and an adult supports the bike (pictorial); and finally the child rides the bike unsupported (abstract).
We use the bar model to help children to visualise problems. In essence, the bar is made of parts and a whole and the pictorial representation helps children to develop a sense of number for their answer.

Helping your child with maths
As with reading, try to make maths as much fun as possible – games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start. It’s also important to show how we use maths skills in our everyday lives and to involve your child in this.
Identifying problems and solving them can also help your child develop maths skills. If you see him or her puzzling over something, talk about the problem and try to work out the solution together.
Don’t shy away from maths if you didn’t like it at school. Try to find new ways to enjoy the subject with your child.
Tips for helping your child to enjoy maths:
- Point out the different shapes to be found around your home.
- Take your child shopping and talk about the quantities of anything you buy.
- Let your child handle money and work out how much things cost.
- Look together for numbers on street signs and car registration plates.
Tips for good homework habits
- Do find a quiet place at home to use as a homework area. It needs a flat surface, a good light source and the right equipment eg pens, pencils, ruler, scissors, glue.
- Do be aware of modern teaching methods, e.g in long division.
- Do plan a homework timetable and agree on when your child will do their homework.
- Do allow your child to have something nutritional to eat before starting on homework.
- Do discuss any homework tasks with your child and how it connects with what they are studying at school.
- Do turn off the TV – but you could have music on if they find it helpful.
- Don’t give your child the answer in order to get a task finished.
- Don’t teach your child methods you used at school. It could confuse them.
- Don’t let homework become a chore. Keep it fun and make it a special time that you both look forward to.
Useful Websites – you may find these useful to support your child.
- https://uk.ixl.com/math/
- https://nrich.maths.org/
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- https://ttrockstars.com/login
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/
- http://www.familymathstoolkit.org.uk/
- http://www.crickweb.co.uk/
- http://www.snappymaths.com/
- http://www.familylearning.org.uk/multiplication_games.html
Useful Apps
- Squeebles: Addition & Subtraction; Maths Bingo; Fractions; Tell the time; Division; Multiplication
- Hit the button
- Maths champions
- Maths slide: addition and subtraction
- Maths slide: multiplication and division
- Maths slide:100 – KS1
- Maths slide:1000 – KS2
- Number Pieces
- Number Frames
- Number Rack
- Pieces Basic
- I See +/-
- I See X
- Geoboard
- Pattern Shapes
- DoodleMaths
- Number Line
- TTRockstars
- What time is it Mr Wolf?
- Number Lines