Our school follows all of the statutory guidelines for the study of PSHE by following Life to the Full.
Parents are given a portal login so that they may view what the children are doing at school in PSHE in order to discuss at home. This programme follows the entire school year and is repeated per phase, with slight differences on age and appropriateness.
We also use elements of Life to the Full Plus including more work on First Aid and money where appropriate.
Through this programme of study, all statutory elements of PSHE are covered.
We also have days in school where visitors come to join school to talk about events that might happen in every day life including:
- The CO2 Crew
- First Aid
- Fire
- Police
- Mental Health
- School Nurse
- Money Sense
- Careers work in Y6
- Caritas counsellors
- Vets
- Water safety
- Safety lessons done during swimming in Y5
- The Linking Project with Y4
We do considerable work on SMSC throughout our curriculum, including British Values, for which we have a bespoke scheme that we use once a half term to discuss and show understanding of what values are in terms of where we live. We also look at these values in terms of the Gospel Values which underpin our school.
SMSC flows through every inch of our school curriculum and extra curricular activities like a golden thread. We have many staff members involved in the Catholic Life and Mission of our school and a large proportion of that is linked to our children’s passion and enthusiasm for SMSC development.
All statutory elements of PSHE are covered in our RSHE scheme, Life to the Full Plus. Our policy is below.