Our Parish Church, Our Lady of the Assumption
Our local parish church is directly opposite our school. We have very close links with our Parish Priest, Cannon Tadgh Mullins, and the local parish. We attend a variety of Masses to celebrate feast days, holy days of obligation, class masses and masses to mark occasions thoughout our academic year. Our Y3 children participate in the Sacramental Programme within the parish framework. At St Mary’s, we believe strongly that the formation of our children’s faith begins at home, is supported by our parish and is developed within school.
Parish Newsletter
Year Two Parish Newsletter
As part of their RE, Year Two have recently written newsletters to the parish.
Faith in Action Award
Our children in Year Five and Six have recently begun a challenge called Faith in Action, where those who want to can actively participate in parish life, backed up with action within school, for example altar serving, being in the choir, fundraising. This helps our children to see the importance of Catholic Social Teaching in action within their lives.
Scouts and Beavers
Both our staff, and our children, are involved in local scouts/beavers groups.
Mr Dakin, Miss Dakin and Mrs Cook at the Scouts/Beavers Remembrance Day Parade, 2022.